Perry Family Health

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How to Quit Smoking

Q:  Hi Dr. Liz! I’d really love to quit smoking. Do you know of anything that can help?
A:  Yes, I sure do.

Q:  What is it about Smoking that makes it so difficult to quit?
A:  Smoking is typically an addiction, which makes it difficult to stop.  Addictions of any sort are difficult to stop. Whether the habit of smoking involves nicotine, cannabis or something else, it can be extremely difficult to quit.

Q:  How does one go about stopping smoking?
A:   Chinese Medicine can be used effectively to help stop smoking, in fact it can be used to treat any kind of an addiction.  At PERRY Family Health clinic, we use a combination of Acupuncture, Auricular therapy and Chinese herbs to effectively treat addiction.

Q:  How much of a success rate do you have?
A:  We have a very high success rate. 

Q:  Wow!  That’s incredible!
A:  Yes.  We are pleased to provide such effective solutions to our community.

Q:  How exactly does it work?
A:  So, when a person is attached to something, be it smoking, alcohol, amphetamines, opioids or pornography, the neurotransmitters in the brain change. Multiple neurotransmitter systems reproduce themselves causing a more intense need for the substance. Treatment incorporates this into the strategy to ensure its effectiveness.

Q:  I see.  Thanks Dr. Liz.  Very interesting.
A:  You are most welcome.

Q:  See you in the New Year Dr. Liz!  I am planning on coming to PERRY Family Health and quitting smoking!  Thank you ever so much for helping us QUIT SMOKING!
A:  Yes, I look forward to seeing all of you.  Enjoy a Happy, Healthy and Safe holiday!

About Dr. Liz Perry
Dr. Liz is a primary care provider with a Doctor of Oriental Medicine and a Master’s degree in Business Management from Harvard University. For over 22 years, Dr. Liz has worked as an international healthcare consultant, has traveled the world, and has written hundreds of published articles as a health journalist.